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Sam Petersen » Science Classroom Management Plan

Science Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Procedures Plan:

Expectations upon entering the Classroom:

1) Be on time – in your desk when the bell rings or you are TARDY

2) Be prepared – have all materials

3) Be ready to learn – positive attitude

4) Be polite – a good neighbor

5) Class time is not a time for drinks/bathroom - only emergency situations - Tardy

Starting the class/lesson:

1) Be aware of/begin the “learning (instructional) outcome” or entry task while I take attendance

2) When the bell rings you should have your book/work/pencil out and you are ready

3) Have the prior lesson’s work done

4) When teacher (or aid) talks – you don’t

Individual Behavior Expectations:

1) Stay in seat

2) Use appropriate voice (quiet)

3) Raise your hand to be recognized – be a good participant in discussions

4) No personal technology in class

5) Sharpen pencils after teaching is done

6) Don’t damage or write on school property

Group Expectations:

1) Be a productive member of the group – make everyone feel welcome - Respect

2) Know your role in the group – everyone participates

3) Understand that all members of the group are responsible for learning outcome goals

4) Walk quietly to tables – put stools up when done


Assignment/Work/Test Procedures:

1) Have proper heading on papers (name, date, assignment title)

2) Make sure work is legible/scored

3) Keep notes in usable manner/location (binder) – Study guide for tests

4) Read the text – Informational text reading – Main ideas from notes

5) If you get done early have other work or a book to read to stay busy learning

Make-Up Work Procedures:

1) Check with teacher when you return for missing assignments

2) If you need extra help – ASK! (lunch time or after school)

3) Check the website often to see your grade or missing assignments

Exiting the Classroom:

1) Make sure your desk/table is clean and ready for the next class

2) Stay in seat until bell rings

3) Walk – be polite – Quiet in the halls when we go somewhere else (computer room)

4) Do you have homework or unfinished work to do tonight?

5) Can you recite the goals of today’s lesson? You are accountable!

Emergency Procedures:

1) Fire Drills

  • Exit in an orderly manner to appropriate location line up alphabetically (attendance)
  • Wait until all clear is given
  • If at passing or lunch, go find next period teacher

2) In Place (Lockdown)

  • Sit quietly in seat until all clear
  • Be responsible – not a time for goofing off!

3) Evacuations

  • Follow evacuation procedure – go with teacher to bus or safe route/location