2024-2025 Classroom Management Plan - Mr. Powers
Expectations upon entering the classroom:
- Line up in the hall and wait to be invited in.
- Be prepared.
- Have a positive attitude and be ready to learn.
- Be kind & respectful.
- Be on time.
Starting the class/lesson:
- Enter the classroom quietly and begin on the entry task. If you discover you forgot something or have a question, do your best to solve the situation independently. The teacher will be available to help after attendance has been taken.
- In order to expedite taking attendance, please remain seated for the first 5 minutes of class time.
- Hall passes will not be available during the first 10 minutes of class.
Individual behavior expectations:
- Use an appropriate voice tone for the learning task.
- Raise your hand to be recognized.
- Follow the teacher’s instructions
- Work on the assigned task(s).
- Be a thoughtful and active participant in discussions.
- Be careful and respectful of all school property.
- Use the digital hall pass form and procedures to exit the classroom. You must have permission from the classroom teacher to leave the classroom.
Group/lab expectations:
- Be a kind and productive member of the group (make everyone feel welcome).
- Know your role in the group (everyone participates).
- Understand that all members of the group are responsible for achieving the instructional outcome.
- Be respectful of the lab materials and equipment.
- Clean up and reset the lab materials before leaving class.
Assignment/work/test procedures:
- Assignments will be posted to the McGraw-Hill learning platform and Google Classroom.
- Complete everything to the best of your ability.
- Assignments that are below standard can be improved and turned back in.
- Unit and module assessments that are below standard can be retaken.
- If you get done with the assigned work early, you are welcome to read a book or work quietly on other school assignments.
Make-Up work procedures:
- Use your Google Calendar to view the details of each day’s lesson.
- Lab sheets and other documents can be accessed through the McGraw-Hill learning platform and Google Classroom.
- If you need extra help with any classwork, send me an email. We can schedule some time for additional instruction and help.
Exiting the classroom:
- Hall passes will not be available during the last 10 minutes of class.
- Make sure your work area is clean and ready for the next class.
- Push in your chair and stand behind it.
- Wait to be excused by the teacher.
- Walk and be polite.
Emergency procedures:
Fire Drills
- Exit in an orderly manner.
- Walk to the football field. The field is located next to the bus loop.
- Line up with your Period 1 teacher. The teachers are lined up along the football field alphabetically by last name.
- Students should line up alphabetically by last name in a single file line.
- Stay in line and wait patiently.
- Wait until the “all clear” is given before going back to class.
Shelter in place (Lockdown)
- The windows need to be closed and shaded.
- The door is closed and locked.
- All students are seated and quietly working.
Not meeting expectations:
- Step 1: Students will be given visual and/or verbal cues to remind them of the expectation
- Step 2: Teacher will discuss issue with the student and reteach behavior expectation
- Step 3: If behavior continues, student completes think sheet in class, parent contacted
- Step 4: Administration will be contacted and intervention will occur.